Friday, 25 September 2015

Character Dress Up Day

To celebrate our Book Week, we had a dress up day on Friday. Everyone got to dress up as their favourite book character (or just their favourite character!).

Dr. Dallas taught two Elsa's and Batman about his tools. 

Captain America!

The Hulk is Jakob's favourite character

Minnie Mouse came too!

Of course Spiderman joined the cast of superheroes.

Plenty of Elsas-- Kylas even brought in an Elsa book!

What's a book character day without Cat in the Hat?

Another beautiful Elsa

Even Mrs Foote dressed as her favourite character-- Pippi Longstocking

Captain Hook dropped in for some fun.

Of course, Ana came too.

Another beautiful princess-- Princess Aurora
Team Rua looking fantastic!

Our Thing 1 met the Piki Pod's Thing 1

Lined up, ready for the parade

Thing 1 and The Cat in the Hat reunited for some.... fun??

The Team One teachers had to join in the fun!

Wow Team One, you look great!


  1. You look a-maz-ing, Team Rua. I am so impressed with your creativity and knowledge of book characters. Enjoy the holidays and rest up ready for Term 4. See you soon, Mrs H

  2. Kia ora Team Rua you look so tough,cute and helpful. So cool that you are having fun with dress up. If I was in the dress up I would be superman.
