Friday, 25 September 2015

Character Dress Up Day

To celebrate our Book Week, we had a dress up day on Friday. Everyone got to dress up as their favourite book character (or just their favourite character!).

Dr. Dallas taught two Elsa's and Batman about his tools. 

Captain America!

The Hulk is Jakob's favourite character

Minnie Mouse came too!

Of course Spiderman joined the cast of superheroes.

Plenty of Elsas-- Kylas even brought in an Elsa book!

What's a book character day without Cat in the Hat?

Another beautiful Elsa

Even Mrs Foote dressed as her favourite character-- Pippi Longstocking

Captain Hook dropped in for some fun.

Of course, Ana came too.

Another beautiful princess-- Princess Aurora
Team Rua looking fantastic!

Our Thing 1 met the Piki Pod's Thing 1

Lined up, ready for the parade

Thing 1 and The Cat in the Hat reunited for some.... fun??

The Team One teachers had to join in the fun!

Wow Team One, you look great!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Exciting Thursday in Team Rua

What an exciting Thursday we've had!

This morning, two Magpie players came and read to us.

Gareth read a funny New Zealand rugby story where all the birds played rugby.

We listened well. 

Poor Gareth had a broken arm!

Then, Jeff came in to read to us. He read us about Grandma McGarvy at the rugby. What a great story!

He barely fit in the teacher's chair-- he is 6'7'!
After morning tea, we got to go to the hall to watch the Kahurangi Dance Group. They told us many Maori myths and legends through dance, music, singing, and acting. It was AH-MAZING!

What a great way to spend a rainy Thursday!

Welcome to Mahora Cooper and Taleni

At assembly last week, we welcomed two new children to Mahora School.

Cooper started about a month ago, and he has been a wonderful addition to Team Rua. He asks interesting questions, shares his scientific ideas, and always has a smile at the ready. Welcome to Mahora School Cooper!

Taleni just turned 5, the day before assembly. He is brand new to our class, but his quiet nature has made him a valued member. Welcome to Mahora School Taleni!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Fraction Pizzas

We have been learning about fractions in Team Rua. We know that fractions have to be equal shares, have a whole, and that 1/2 is a fraction.

To explore fractions in real life, we made pizzas today!

We worked with our thinking buddy. We started with a whole tortilla.

Then, we put sauce on half.

Next, we put cheese over our sauce. Of course, we only put cheese on 1/2.

Then, our buddy put sauce and cheese on the other half.

We had sauce and cheese on our whole pizza!

Mrs. Foote said we could choose if we wanted to put ham and pineapple on our half.

Some of us wanted them, some of us didn't.

After that, we walked very carefully to the staff room so Mrs Foote could cook our pizzas.

Finally, we cut them in half and ate them. YUM!