We have been learning about fractions in Team Rua. We know that fractions have to be equal shares, have a whole, and that 1/2 is a fraction.
To explore fractions in real life, we made pizzas today!
We worked with our thinking buddy. We started with a whole tortilla.
Then, we put sauce on half.
Next, we put cheese over our sauce. Of course, we only put cheese on 1/2.
Then, our buddy put sauce and cheese on the other half.
We had sauce and cheese on our whole pizza!
Mrs. Foote said we could choose if we wanted to put ham and pineapple on our half.
Some of us wanted them, some of us didn't.
After that, we walked very carefully to the staff room so Mrs Foote could cook our pizzas.
Finally, we cut them in half and ate them. YUM!